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Hi Everyone!

My name is Joanna and I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  I am part of the leadership team in the diagnostic imaging department of an acute care hospital.  I am the Manager of the Medical Imaging Department, overseeing the clinical operations of the CT, MRI, and Interventional Radiology modalities.  I have also taught CT Imaging Theory and Practice to Medical Radiation Technology students as an Associate Professor.  I've been working in healthcare for 15 years now, first as an x-ray Technologist, later becoming a CT Technologist, and then expanding my skills in a leadership role.  


I am a practicing Medical Radiation Technologist, and am a member of the College of Medical Radiation and Imaging Technologists of Ontario (CMRITO).  I am passionate about providing the best care possible to patients arriving for medical imaging procedures, while ensuring they are in a safe and judgement free space.


For more information about Medical Radiation Technologists (MRTs): 





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My Positionality Statement

I am a white, middle-class, cisgender, heterosexual, able-bodied, Catholic woman in her 30s of European descent. I was born and raised in Toronto and have been fortunate to grow up and live in a very multicultural environment. I have always had a passion for healthcare, once dreaming of being a pediatrician.  When deciding my career path at the end of high school, I chose to enroll in a Medical Radiation Science program at McMaster University and later started a career as an x-ray Technologist. In my 15 years of experience in healthcare, I have developed a open minded and empathetic opinion for all patients, as I have been fortunate to work with a variety of patients with different backgrounds, mental illness, cancer, and varying disabilities. Being a frontline healthcare worked at the start of my career has allowed me to provide optimal patient care and have kept this in mind as I transitioned into leadership positions.  I lead with putting patient care as my central focus, and always advocating for the patient in any decisions made from a clinical operations perspective.

My Positonality Statement

Medical Imaging Technologist: The patient impact

Why we do what we do

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Code of Ethics


Responsibility to the public

Members act to ensure the trust and respect of the public


Responsibiliy to patients

Members act in the best interested of their patients


Responsibility to the profession

Members promote excellence in the profession


Responsibility to colleagues and other health professionals

Members develop and maintain positive, collaborative relationships with colleagues and other health professionals


Personal Responsibility

Members are accountable for all of their professional undertakings

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